Improving LGBTQI+ visibility and health service delivery for Indigenous people in South East Queensland.

Our project is an Indigenous led, controlled and governed, multifaceted, holistic study aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of Indigenous LGBTQI+ people living in Southeast Queensland (SEQ). Our study comprises the following three studies.

Study 1: Documenting the health care aspirations and needs of Indigenous LGBTQI+ people living in SEQ. We will conduct this study by interviewing Indigenous LGBTQI+, triangulating this with a mapping of clinical care pathways for Indigenous LGBTQI+ in SEQ as well engage the entire IUIH network to conduct interviews with clinicians about current models of care.

Study 2: Development and implementation of a Model of care for Indigenous LGBTQI+ people in SEQ. Our team will then develop a co-designed health and wellbeing model of care (MOC) to be implemented within the existing IUIH system of care. The MOC would encompass health service delivery needs and aspirations of LGBTQI+ people, and will be holistic, non-discriminatory, gender neutral, stigma and racism free. We will then implement the Safe and Deadly Places Ambassador role to oversee and document the efficacy of implementation of the MOC as well as deliver on a care coordination role for LGBTQI+ people in SEQ.

Study 3: Develop a BLAK Rainbow ACCHO specific LGBTQI+ accreditation program. Our team will then co-design an Australian first BLAK Rainbow ACCHS health service accreditation program by working with ACCHS staff representatives, and LGBTQI+ community groups. The BLAK Rainbow accreditation program will comprise the following components, (i) a website specific for ACCHS to be involved in the program, (ii) a manual created for ACCHS interested in becoming a BLAK rainbow accredited service (iii) guide for becoming a BLAK Rainbow Accredited service and (iv) an implementation and evaluation guide.

The entire study will make significant inroads to improving LGBTQI+ visibility and health service delivery for Indigenous people in SEQ.

MRFF Models of Care for Sexuality and Gender Diverse People and People with Innate Variations of Sex Characteristics Stream 1-2

March 2024 – February 2027