Associate Professor Judith Dean

Researcher biography
Dr Judith Dean, a Registered Nurse/Midwife with over 25-years clinical and research experience in sexual and reproductive health (SRH), HIV and other BBV, is a Senior Research Fellow in the UQ Poche Centre for Indigenous Health.
Judith's research focuses on the SRH of priority 'at risk' populations using mixed methods and longitudinal qualitative community-based participatory approaches. The overall aim of her program of research is to address inequities of access to SRH education and services through innovative models of care and workforce development. She has a strong background working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, sex workers organisations, gender and sexually diverse young people, and the LGBTIQ+ community.
She is currently leading projects exploring innovative models of HIV Self-testing dissemination, access to peer-led Molecular point of care STI testing, transgender care, syphilis in pregnancy and access to pregnancy options, abortion and contraception. From 2016 to 2019, she was the co-ordinating investigator on the Queensland PrEP Demonstration Monitoring and Evaluation study. Her other projects and areas of interst include exploring the experiences of newly diagnosed PLHIV including implementation of a Peer Navigation program, access to SRH care for gender and sexually diverse young people and the sexual health literacy of CALD youth in Queensland.
Prior to joining UQ as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in 2015, Judith held a joint appointment for 14 years between Griffith University School of Nursing and Midwifery where she held the title of Griffith Graduate Sexual Health Program Convenor and Queensland Health where in her role as State Nurse Educator for Queensland Sexual Health and HIV Services she was responsible for state-wide coordination and development of clinical practice standards, policy and professional development programs for specialist advanced practice nurses working in SRH and HIV. She completed her Doctor of Philosophy in 2014 titled Sexual health knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of Queensland Sudanese communities.
Judith has extensive educational and clinical expertise in SRH, HIV, and women's health in a diverse range of national and international settings. Before moving into SRH and HIV education and research, she worked clinically as a midwife and SRH Nurse in a range of locations in Australia and overseas . This includes over 5 years working in the Northern Territory as a Midwife and remote area nurse along with two years with International Committee of Red Cross in settings such as South Sudan and Afghanistan developing midwifery training programs and models of care for women and their familes experiencing conflict and displacement.
Judith is available to supervise PhD students, Honours and Master of Public Health projects.