Associate Professor Federica Barzi

Researcher biography
Federica has over twenty-year experience in study design and data analysis of randomized clinical trials, large observational studies, and data linkage studies. She has co-authored over a hundred peer-reviewed journal articles with colleagues from various institutions and has secured, as a CI, over 24M in research funding since 2006. She works with colleagues in epidemiology, public health and with clinicians across a large variety of disciplines, in particular cardiovascular and metabolic, and nutrition.
Federica research interest covers any health-related condition and challenge significant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples living in urban, regional, and remote Australia.
She trains and supervises HDR students and researchers at any stage of their career in statistics, statistical computing (STATA, SAS) and epidemiology. She is currently available to supervise new HDR students.
Examples of her expertise and interest in applied biostatistics are:
- Data linkage of large routine health care databases
- Longitudinal cohort studies
- Randomized and non-randomized controlled trials, clustered randomized trial, stepped wedge, and quasi experimental design
- Meta-analyses of both individual participant data and tabulated data
- Methods to deal with missing values and imputation of missing values
- Survival time analysis, risk prediction modelling, validation, and calibration
- Linear and non-linear mixed model, interrupted time series