Dr Lyle Turner

Lyle works with the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH), managing the Data and Research Unit which is responsible for patient EMR training and support, and delivering analytic and business intelligence services across the IUIH network. He also facilitates research partnerships with IUIH and manages the institute’s involvement in a number of research projects across the region.
Lyle has a passion for using routinely collected health data to inform health service delivery, policy and research. Over the last ten years he has held a number of related research positions, most recently as lead biostatistician for the Monash East Melbourne General Practice Database (MAGNET). Through his involvement in establishing and facilitating access to the platform, Lyle has undertaken a variety of research that used GP and hospital data to examine issues around chronic disease management, the relationship between primary and acute care, and the implementation of clinical guidelines. His previous research has also extended to the use of data to examine the health impacts of temperature, air pollution and natural disasters.